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Rozdíly mezi britskými a americkými Vánoci
Předmět maturitního zkoušení: Jak slaví Vánoce v Americe a jak v Anglii.
The most famous winter holiday is Christmas. The British have no traditional celebration on Christmas Eve. December 24 is reserved for office party and many people spent this day by shopping. Children believe that Santa Claus or Father Christmas who rides through the air on a sledge drawn by reindeer and comes down the chimney and fills up the stocking with present and toys. Children write a letter and then they throw the letter into the Fireplace. So on the Christmas Eve they hang up the stockings on the end of their bed. December 25 is Christmas day. In the morning children unwrap their presents. The dinner on Christmas Day is the “most important“ meal of the year. The British usually have roast turkey and roast potatoes followed by Christmas pudding (also called plum pudding). December 26 is called Boxing Day from the habit in earlier times when people gave their servants small sums of many which they collected in their Christmas boxes.
In the USA Christmas isn´t national holiday but many Americans are Christians so almost all shops are closed and people have a rest on Christmas Day. Christmas in the USA is not a family holiday. Families invite friend to join them at Christmas dinner and often give parties at Christmas time.
In both USA and Britain Christmas trees are decorated by electric coloured lights. And Americans also decorate their houses with garlands and wreaths.
A Christmas Carol
A Christmas Carol is story by english writer Charles Dickens. It is about guy who is stingy, callous (unfeeling) and moody. His name is Ebenezer Scrooge. Suddenly, four ghosts visit him and then he is converted to a better guy. After then he is full of happiness and he is called ghost of Christmas. A lot director wrote own musical with A Christmas Carol theme.
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Jiří Šifalda
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