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Slovíčka ze slovníku: Minulý čas průběhový II

Český význam Překlad
Chodili jsme tam každé léto.We were going there every summer.
Proč prohrávali každou hru?Why were they losing every game?
Dělali jsme to jeden rok.We were doing it for one year.
Psala dopisy každý týden.She was writing letters every week.
Den byl pěkný, slunce svítilo.The day was nice, the sun was shining.
Nenavštěvovali jsme je velmi často.We were not visiting them very often.
Pracoval jsem pro ně pět let.I was working for them for five years.
Vydělávali hodně peněz?Were they earning much money?
Spal velmi dlouho.He was sleeping a very long time.
Jak často jste uklízeli váš dům?How often were you cleaning your house?
Proč jsi se na ni usmíval?Why were you smiling at her?
Prohrávali jsme každou druhou hru.We were losing every second game.
Seděli v obývacím pokoji.They were sitting in the living room.
Zásoboval jsi je?Were you supplying them?
On to nikdy nedělal.He was never doing it.
Přicházel každé pondělí?Was he coming every Monday?
Nečekal jsem na ni.I wasn´t waiting for her.
Čekala na tebe?Was she waiting for you?
Nečekali jsme na ně.We weren´t waiting for them.
Zásobovali jsme je knihami.We were supplying them with books.
Chodil jsem tam velmi často.I was going there very often.
Kupoval jsi to pokaždé, když jsi to viděl.You were buying it every time you saw it.
Kdy jsi tam docházel?When were you coming there?
Pil jsem mnoho kávy.I was drinking a lot of coffee.
Prohrávali tu hru od začátku.They were losing the game from the beginning.
Neseděli jsme tam.We weren´t sitting there.
Nechodili jste tam často.You were not going there often.
Pila pivo.She was drinking beer.
Usmívali jsme se na ně.We were smiling at them.
Proč jste prohrávali celou dobu?Why were you losing all the time?
Přicházela často?Was she coming often?
Kupoval jsem to každý měsíc.I was buying it every month.
Vydělával jsi dost?Were you earning enough?
Mluvil o tom hodně.He was talking about it a lot.
Proč tolik pila?Why was she drinking so much?
Vydělávali dost.They were earning enough.
Proč jsi nehrál s nimi?Why weren´t you playing with them?
On to dělal.He was doing it.
Pili víno?Were they drinking wine?
Nečekali na nás.They were not waiting for us.
Chodila tam každý týden.She was going there every week.
Nemluvili jsme o tom.We were not talking about it.
Jak dlouho jsi se to učil?How long were you learning it?
Kupovala to pokaždé, co to našla.She was buying it every time she found it.
Proč to dělal?Why was he doing it?
Pracoval a vydělával dost.He was working and earning enough.
Prohrával od samého začátku.He was losing from the very start.
Nemluvili o tom.They weren´t talking about it.
Slunce nesvítilo.The sun wasn´t shining.
Navštěvovali nás často.They were visiting us often.

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