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Slovíčka ze slovníku: Podmínka minulá

Český význam Překlad
Kdyby byli měli lepší zbraně, tak se mohli ubránit.If they had had better weapons, they could have defended themselves.
Kdybys nás navštívil dříve, nestalo by se to.If you had visited us earlier, it wouldn´t have happened.
Kdyby jím nebyl inspirován, nenásledoval by ho tam.If he hadn´t been inspired by him, he wouldn´t have followed him there.
Kdyby to byl vysvětlil jasněji, každý by ho pochopil.If he had explained it more clearly, everyone would have understood him.
Kdybys vedl lepší život, nebyl bys teď v problémech.If you had led a better life, you wouldn´t be in trouble now.
Kdyby jsi se ho byl zeptal, tak bys teď věděl více.If you had asked him, you would know more now.
Kdyby tam byl, líbilo by se mu to.If he had been there, he would have liked it.
Kdybych tam byl s tebou, byl bych ti pomohl.If I had been there with you, I would have helped you.
Kdyby tam byl v pondělí, tak by nám teď mohl pomoci.If he had been there on Monday, he could help us now.
Nepomohlo by vám, kdybych to přinesl včera.It wouldn´t have helped you if I had brought it yesterday.
Kdybych hrál lépe, tak bych ho porazil.If I had played better, I would have beaten him.
Kdybych ho navštívil minulý týden, neměl bych čas na učení.If I had visited him last week, I wouldn´t have had time to learn.
Kdybych mu to několikrát nevysvětlil, nerozuměl by tomu vůbec.If I hadn´t explained it to him several times, he wouldn´t have understood it at all.
Kdybych to udělal minulý týden, nebyl bych zde teď s tebou.If I had done it last week, I wouldn´t be here with you now.
Kdybych postavil ten dům, nemuseli bychom teď bydlet v bytě.If I had built the house, we wouldn´t have to stay in a flat.
Kdybys to doručil včas, nic by se nestalo.If you had delivered it on time, nothing would have happened.
Kdybych se ho zeptal, tak by mi odpověděl.If I had asked him, he would have answered me.
Kdybych to neočekával, tak bych byl překvapen.If I hadn´t expected it, I would have been surprised.
Kdybys tam byl, tak by sis to užil.If you had been there, you would have enjoyed it.
Kdybys byl hrál častěji, nebyl bys prohrál.If you had played more often, you wouldn´t have lost.
Kdybys hrál častěji, byl bys teď lepší.If you had played more often, you would be better now.
Kdybys to vysvětlil lépe, tak by teď věděli, co dělat.If you had explained it better, they would know what to do now.
Kdybys to neudělal, nemohli by utéci.If you hadn´t done it, they wouldn´t have been able to escape.
Kdybys byl postavil větší dům, každý z nás mohl mít vlastní pokoj.If you had built a bigger house, each of us could have our own room.
Kdybys to očekával, tak jsi se mohl připravit.If you had expected it, you could have got ready.
Kdybys o tom věděl, nebyl bys nic udělal.If you had known about it, you wouldn´t have done anything.
Kdyby měl více přátel, mohl by je k nám připojit.If he had had more friends, he could join us with them.
Kdybys tam nešel, nebyla by teď naživu.If you hadn´t gone there, she wouldn´t be alive now.
Kdyby to přinesl dříve, všichni jsme se mohli naučit něco jiného.If he had brought it sooner, we could have all learned something more.
Nešel bych tam, kdybych to byl neslíbil.I wouldn´t go there if I hadn´t promised it.
Kdyby nám byl neslíbil pomoc, byl by teď pryč.If he hadn´t promised us his help, he would be away now.
Kdyby to nevysvětlil, nikdo by tomu teď nerozuměl.If he hadn´t explained it, nobody would understand it now.
Kdyby nám nepomohl, teď bychom nevěděli, co dělat.If he hadn´t helped us, we wouldn´t know what to do now.
Kdyby postavil větší dům, jeho matka tam mohla také bydlet.If he had built a bigger house, his mother could have lived there too.
Kdyby to doručil včera, tak by to zde doteď bylo.If he had delivered it yesterday, I think it would be here by now.
Kdyby se mě byl zeptal, tak bych mu odpověděl.If he had asked me, I would have answered him.
Teď bych měl problémy, kdybych neočekával jeho návštěvu.I would have problems now if I hadn´t expected his visit.
Kdyby o tom nebyl věděl, tak bychom ho poslali pryč.If he hadn´t known about it, we would have sent him away.
Kdyby měla více peněz, mohla cestovat s námi.If she had had more money, she could have travelled with us.
Kdyby na nás nečekala, nemohli bychom začít bez ní.If she hadn´t waited for us, we wouldn´t have been able to start without her.
Kdyby tam šla s námi, nebyla by litovala.If she had gone there with us, she wouldn´t have regretted it.
Kdyby to sem byla přinesla, ocenili bychom to.If she had brought it here, we would have appreciated it.
Kdyby byla hrála lépe, vyhrála by hodně peněz.If she had played better, she would have won a lot of money.
Kdyby je ta herečka navštívila, děti by na to nikdy nezapoměli.If the actress had visited them, the children would never have forgotten it.
Kdyby nás vedla, byli bychom na lepší pozici.If she had led us, we would be in a better position.
Kdyby to nevynalezl, někdo jiný by to vynalezl o několik let později.If he hadn´t invented it, somebody else would have invented it a few years later.
Kdyby se narodil v roce 1920, byl by se musel zůčastnit války.If he had been born in 1920, he would have had to take part in the war.
Kdyby nám byla vysvětlila skutečnou situaci, byli bychom odešli ze společnosti.If she had explained the real situation, we would have left the company.
Vše by bylo lepší, kdyby udělala, co měla udělat.All would have been better, if she had done what she should have done.
Kdyby mu byla doručila ty peníze, nestěžoval by si teď na ni.If she had delivered the money to him, he wouldn´t complain about her.

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